Monday, October 12, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Vs. The NFL

i was eating my lunch today and happened to catch a piece of Hardball wit Chris Matthews. today they were talking about Rush Limbaugh becoming a silent (HA!) partner with the St. Louis Rams. that would be a lot of money that he is putting into a team that, quite honestly, sucks. im attaching the segment here. give me your opinion on the matter. is it a good idea? why? why not?

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

This Week In The NFL

wondering how your team did this week? well find your teams game and watch the video re-cap. want more details of your teams game? click the link to the article detailing it.

Cowboys @ Cheifs


Browns @ Bills


Steelers @ Lions


Vikings @ Rams


Raiders @ Giants


Buccaners @ Eagles


Redskins @ Panthers


Bengals @ Ravens


Falcons @ 49ers


Patriots @ Broncos


Texans @ Cardinal


Jaguars @ Seahawks


Colts @ Titans


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Zombieland Review

so, last night i went to the drive-in theater to see Zombieland. here is my review:

when you go to see a movie, you want to see a mixture of two things. innovation and entertainment. Zombieland was a very entertaining movie and had small bits of innovation sprinkled within. if you have seen the trailers for the movie trailers, you know that they have been advertising "rules" that you should live by to survive zombieland. these rules, which could be followed in normal life situations, are reiterated throughout the movie with creative use of text on the screen. throw in a cameo appearance by someone familiar with creepy creatures and you have a good mixture of innovation and entertainment.

the only real issue is the lack of context in the movie pertaining to the transition from a normal society to one over run with really athletic zombies. if more of the whole story would be told this movie easily could be a 5 star movie. i give it 4 stars.

dont like my review, read these reviews on

think they are crazy? read these reviews at

wonder how some reviwers still have a job? read this!

dont feel like reading anymore? watch the video reviews i found!

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Saturday, October 10, 2009


Going to see Zombieland tonight. expect a full review of what i thought plus a few other reviews for a bit of variation.

until then, watch this trailer.

by the way, this is by far the best trailer for this movie.

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Friday, October 09, 2009

New Site: Babelgum

i have found a new cool website that is great for wasting time on. it is called and i must say i like it alot. im gonna link a few of the videos i liked off the site here for your viewing pleasure.

hair of the dog


just in case

i think, therefore i am


Team America F-Ya!

today has been an interesting day in America. first, president Obama won a noble peace prize, because, i guess, he is lactating hope (according to Lewis Black). CNN had an interesting take on it in an article. at least in the press confrence after the announcement he was humble about the award.

on the same day Obama wins the Nobel Peace prize is the same day that we BOMB THE MOON! Take that dumb rock. seriously, NASA bombed the moon...what the F? noble peace prize, bomb moon...interesting.

wondering why we bombed the moon? click here

or watch this video!

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Thursday, October 08, 2009 Top Five For Today

im going to start posting these pretty reguraly because they are pretty awesome.

number 5

Funny Pictures

number 4

Funny Pictures

number 3

Funny Pictures

seems to be alot of parenting advice tonight

number 2

Funny Pictures

number 1

Funny Pictures


Lightrail 1- ASU student 0

it was just a matter of time really. you have over 60,000 students at one school and a lightrail (train essentially) running right through the campus. Lightrail 1- ASU Student 0. while it looks like the poor guy will be ok, this does bring up an issue of safety. here is the link to the story.

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Hotel Security a big issue?

im posting a link to an article i found that debates the how secure you are in a hotel room and the potential changes that the hotel industry is going to have to make in order to secure people's privacy.

i think it is a sad day when people's privacy is no longer easy to protect at hotels. the advance of technology has made it possible for people to invade our privacy much easier. i guess it is a draw back of the incoming information age.

we will get better at protecting people. eventually we will figure out how to secure our credit and debit cards so thieves cant use them and we will also find a way to secure our homes and,yes, even out hotels. it is hard to be in that transition period.

found a video on youtube of o'reilly quite upset about it all. check it out.

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Comedy Classics

here are some of my favorite stand up bits of all time.

Robin Williams on Golf

Ralphie May on the gays (a bit old)

Greg Giraldo on Fat Kids

if you have any clips you love, leave them on the comment!

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Jon Stewart the New Cronkite?

one of my proffesors brought up an interesting point to the class the other day. he mentioned that news comedians Jon Stewart and even Stephan Colbert are becoming more respected by news consumers than more of the popular news identities. it is hard to imagine that Jon Stewart is more respected in the journalism realm than, say, Katie Couric.

this video is a good example of how Jon Stewart connects to his audiences.

what this tells me is that people want people with some personality to tell them their news and make it comical. i know that avoid the news some days because it can be depressing. this shows a shift, in my opinion about how media is being delivered to people.

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Google AD Sense

so, i have started using google's ad sense. if you are unfamiliar with this, let me explain. google pays you to let them sell ad space on you website. i figured, hell why not give it a shot. i know this blog gets very little traffic, but you never know. if i get people to get on my blog, i could make some money. also, by joining ad sense i may be higher on search results when people are searchong whatever i may be posting about.

sweet deal.

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Top 5 Pictures From This Week

this is my 5 favriote pictures on this week.

number 5

Funny Pictures

number 4

Funny Pictures

number 3

Funny Pictures

number 2

Funny Pictures

number 1!

Funny Pictures


Brown Chicken Brown Cow

i found this video on youtube and it made me laugh pretty hard. mostly because i had made the brown chicken brown cow joke before>>>LOL

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Michael Crabtree a 49er afterall?

it look like Michael Crabtree might be ending this increasingly dumb holdout. read the article for more details.

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Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Lewis Black on CNN

is there any other comic out there that can go on CNN and have a respected opinion? Lewis hits the nail on the head in the first video i link in this blog about sensationalism in the news.

in the second video Lewis gets into the nature of the issues people have with Obama and, again, really gets it right.

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Welcome to the Jungle.

it is amazing how much society is changing. business models that have stood the test of time are starting to falter and crumble. we have elected a black president. health care could possibly be reformed, maybe.

it is an interesting time to be alive certainly.

the thing that seems to be evolving the most rapidly is the internet. who would have thought ten years ago that the internet would morph into what it has today. it is crippling retail stores with its easy shopping and fair pricing. newspapers are losing millions of dollars in advertisement money because of free ad sites like google. twitter exists. that should be proof enough that the internet is the catalyst into the information era, leaving the modern era in its dust.

if your potentially interested in reading about how the internet is morphing our lives, you should read What Would Google Do by Jarvis Green. it is a rather good read and it gives you a good idea of what you can do to tap into that vast world that is the internet.

considering that i am a journalism major, i am following the ups and downs of the internet and i am baffled by the fact that people are still fighting the web. people will not win. the interwebs is here to stay!

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