Rush Limbaugh Vs. The NFL
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Labels: hardball with chris matthews, kevin blackistone, NFL, rush limbaugh, stephen a. smith
Welcome to my blog. My name is Michael Hansen. What i hope to get from this site is the opinions of open minded people. Please do not tarnish my site with racial slanders or egotistical ranting and raving. If you can live with those terms feel free to make your selfs at home.
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Labels: hardball with chris matthews, kevin blackistone, NFL, rush limbaugh, stephen a. smith
Labels: espn, NFL, Sunday recap
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Labels: greg giraldo, ralphie may, robin williams, stand-up comedy
Labels: jon stewart, obama, politics
Labels: evilmilk
Labels: comedy central, stand-up comedy
Labels: 49ers, michael crabtree, NFL
Labels: cnn, lewsi black
Labels: blog, Google, Internet, What Would Google Do